AOS Western Canada Judging Centre Results from the Monthly Judging on June 8, 2019

At the AOS Western Canada Judging Center’s monthly judging on June 8, 2019, the following AOS awards were granted:

(please note that all awards are considered provisional until paperwork and payment is processed by AOS and published in Orchids Plus)

Phalaenopsis LD’s Bear Queen ‘Frosty Cheeks’

(Phal. bellina x Phal. Dragon Tree Eagle)

CCE/AOS 91pts (20196643)

Exhibitor: Pat van Adrichem | Kingfisher Orchids

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Epidendrum parkinsonianum ‘Sydney Mei’

AM/AOS 82pts (20196644)

Exhibitor: Eugene Banziger

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Phalaenopsis LD’s Bear Queen ‘Alma’

(Phal. bellina x Phal. Dragon Tree Eagle)

AM/AOS 84pts (20196645)

Exhibitor: Pat van Adrichem | Kingfisher Orchids

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Dendrobium Etincelle LCDO (clonal name TBA)

(Den. dickasonii x Den. unicum)

HCC/AOS 77pts (20196646)

Exhibitor: Catherine Frutiger

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