At the AOS Western Canada Judging Center’s monthly judging on June 8, 2019, the following AOS awards were granted:
(please note that all awards are considered provisional until paperwork and payment is processed by AOS and published in Orchids Plus)
Phalaenopsis LD’s Bear Queen ‘Frosty Cheeks’
(Phal. bellina x Phal. Dragon Tree Eagle)
CCE/AOS 91pts (20196643)
Exhibitor: Pat van Adrichem | Kingfisher Orchids
Epidendrum parkinsonianum ‘Sydney Mei’
AM/AOS 82pts (20196644)
Exhibitor: Eugene Banziger
Phalaenopsis LD’s Bear Queen ‘Alma’
(Phal. bellina x Phal. Dragon Tree Eagle)
AM/AOS 84pts (20196645)
Exhibitor: Pat van Adrichem | Kingfisher Orchids
Dendrobium Etincelle LCDO (clonal name TBA)
(Den. dickasonii x Den. unicum)
HCC/AOS 77pts (20196646)
Exhibitor: Catherine Frutiger